Exclusive Access
By Joining any part of Bear Academy, you will have exclusive access to additional resources that pertain to the program you are involved in. These resources include:
Supplier Assistance
Teddy Miller Has an Endless Number of Contacts with Suppliers Around The World That Can Dramatically Reduce Your Bottom Line on Any Project or Day to Day Operations And When You Join Bear Academy You Get Access To This List Which Will Continue To Grow!
Direct Contacts
Increased Buying Power
Remodeling Resources
Remodeling Your Rental Property in a Way To Get The Most Return on Your Investment Can Be Kind of a pain in the ass, so we have made it much simpler for you including giving you sample floor layouts for
- Studio Apartments
- One Bedroom
- Two Bedroom
- And Three Bedroom Spaces
That Will Make The Process So Much Easier For You, as well as a general material list of the products we use on most of our properties.
Material Lists
Potential Floor Plans
Financial Assistance
An essential part of any business rental or traditional is financing which is why we cover this in every program we offer, but in addition to that we provide fillable forms to prepare you to get financing and contact information for companies we have had luck with in the past and will continue to update this list as we continue to find more.
Direct Contacts
Fillable Forms
Business Planning
Even if you’re currently in business having a great plan is essential to running a less stressful and successful company, so no matter what stage you are in, we suggest taking a step back by evaluating your current situation and seeing what can get better. In addition to covering this in our programs we also provide you with fillable forms to make the process easier.
Fillable Forms
Being Part of Something More
By Joining Bear Academy, You are joining a group of like minded individuals who want to hit the next fucking level and make more money, and the best way to do this is by joining in something more and networking with each other to solve problems, find properties, discuss creative ways of making more money, and so much more!
Finding Properties
Problem Solving