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By Signing Up For Bear Academy You Are Making a Commitment to Finally Accomplishing the Goals You Set to Do Years Ago And Start Making Your Own Destiny.

For Now, The Programs in Bear Academy Are Broken into Two Separate Categories Business and Real Estate.

This is For the Following Reasons: 

At Bear Academy We Aren’t Here to Teach You the Basics Which Will Leave You Scratching Your Head and Wondering “What Did I Just Fucking Learn”? We Are Going to Push You into Getting Bigger, Better, And Stronger Whether You Are Ready or Not.

Our Business Programs

In Our Business Programs Your New Mentor Teddy Miller is Going to Guide You Through Every Subject We Offer from Start to Finish, and If He Missed Something. Just Let Us Know in The Discussions. Because As He Always Says “If I’m Going to Take the Time to Teach You Something I Want to Make Sure There Is Not Room For Questions…or Excuses. 

With Our Business Programs We Have a Standard Program That Gives You Access to Countless Lessons and Discussions with More Specific Programs Tailored to The Needs OF Our Users.

Our Real Estate Programs

In Our Real Estate Programs Your New Mentor Teddy Miller is Going to Guide You Through Every Subject We Offer from Start to Finish, and If He Missed Something. Just Let Us Know in The Discussions. Because As He Always Says “If I’m Going to Take the Time to Teach You Something I Want to Make Sure There Is Not Room for Questions…or Excuses. 

Just Like with The Business Programs We Have A General Program Filled With Lessons and Discussions as Well as More Specific Programs For Subjects That Need a Little More Attention.